The Montessori philosophy







The basic principles of practical training
The basic principles of practical training should be based on reality. The activities should be available for when the child wishes to do them and there should be an automatic error control (for example beans falling out on the tray).
The concentration is the basis for the training to work. It always starts with the practical exercises and then moves on to the sensory ones. The practical exercises are based on the four cornerstones: motor skills, environment, care of well being and etiquette.

When the materials are presented to the child

  • Make as few statements as possible
  • Present it so that the child understand the purpose of every movement
  • Go slow. Think about that every movement can be new to the child
  • Make sure that a natural moving pattern arises

Benefits for the child

  • The child learns new skills
  • Evolves dexterity
  • Evolves its spatial awareness
  • Improves coordination, eye-hand
  • Refines the rough and fine motor skills and develop physically
  • Gain self-confidence, self-awareness and self-concept
  • Its inner need for order is satisfied
  • Happy to work, when it is not forced on
  • The child becomes responsive to the needs of others
  • Increase the ability to concentrate

Quality requirements for the material used at practical exercises

  • Right size
  • Easily understandable - tailored to the child's intellectual level
  • Whole and clean
  • The materials should be separated and coded by colour
  • All materials should be a coherent unit through basket or tray
  • Appealing, familiar to the child
  • Several pour- and scoop exercises
  • The materials should be kept where it is easily seen by the child
  • Integrated error control

Activity circulation

  • Take one material from the shelf – practise the exercise – put it back in the same place
  • Hands are the tools of the human intelligence. The child learns by actively doing things with their hands


Movement Synthesis

  • When the child repeats an activity
  • When the activity satisfies the child’s inner needs

Impact on the child´s development

  • The child learns concentration which is the foundation in every learning process
  • The child practices rough and fine motor skills
  • The child practices eye-hand coordination
  • The child acquires new skills
  • Self-confidence increases when it sees that it can
  • Gives the child life skills, the child wants to do as adults and with the practical material they learn how
  • Their inner need for order is satisfied
  • The materials lay the foundation for all other work in the Montessori classroom

What can parents do to help at home?

  • That the child's things at home are in the children's height, such as clothes hangers
  • That porcelain are in the right height so that the child can set the table itself
  • That the child's toys have their own places in the shelves and are not in a mess
  • That the child may help with things it is capable of, for example, to fold laundry
  • That the child may determine to some extent what clothes it wants to wear
  • That the child is involved in what to include in its packed lunch for excursions at the preschool
  • That parents teach the child how to take care of things
  • To let the child eat on its own with a spoon, fork and knife

A subdivision of the exercises in different skill areas


Motor skills
Carrying a chair, carrying a tray, rolling a matt, pour- and scoop exercises


Care of the surroundings
Wiping tables, cleaning, dusting, polishing, ironing, sweeping


Personal hygiene
Blowing your nose, getting dressed and undressed, washing your hands


Greeting with courtesy, saying goodbye, saying please etc



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Montessorichildren´s preschool in Tumba